2023 Impact Report

We are proud to present the Community Legal Centres Queensland Impact Report 2023.

It tells the story of the dedication, resilience, and unwavering commitment to advancing access to justice and championing the rights of individuals and communities that is at the heart of Queensland’s 32 Community Legal Centres.

In a world where legal challenges can be daunting and the barriers to justice seem insurmountable, Community Legal Centres continue to provide access to quality legal services regardless of a person’s background.

Queensland’s Community Legal Centres help people who cannot afford a lawyer or are unable to get legal aid. They support people with a wide range of legal problems including family and domestic violence, relationship breakdown, employment issues, debt, consumer problems and tenancy disputes. As well as helping individuals with legal problems, Community Legal Centres work to prevent problems arising by providing legal education, and through working with government and other bodies to improve unfair laws and processes.

Throughout the pages of this report, you will discover the significant impact Community Legal Centres have made over the past year.  You will read stories of individuals whose lives have been transformed through our legal advocacy, education programs and community outreach initiatives.  You will see the results of our collective efforts to promote fairness, equity, and social justice in communities around Queensland.

As we reflect on the achievements and challenges of the past year, we are also setting our sights on the future.  Our commitment to our mission to lead and support Queensland Community Legal Centres remains steadfast and we are more determined than ever to create a more just, equitable and inclusive Queensland for all.

2023 Impact Report

As the peak body, Community Legal Centres Queensland provides a voice for the sector. We lead and support 32 independent Community Legal Centres to deliver quality and accessible services people experiencing vulnerability and disadvantage.

Download a copy of the Community Legal Centres Queensland Impact Report 2023 here.

Impact on Clients

Community Legal Centres make a difference to a diverse range of Queenslander’s lives everyday.

To measure the impact on the clients of Queensland’s Community Legal Centres we analysed survey results from each of our member centres and real-life stories from people supported by our centres.

The client survey results and case studies demonstrate that Queensland Community Legal Centres are providing appropriate and effective services to Queenslanders, and they are making a difference to people by improving their safety, wellbeing and inclusion. Services are client and community-focused and the overall high degree of client satisfaction indicates that Queensland Community Legal Centres are vital social infrastructure.

Impact on Clients – read more here.

Making a difference to clients

Community Legal Centres Queensland coordinated a survey of 1,489 Community Legal Centre clients in May 2023.

Analysis of the data indicated a very high satisfaction rate across the survey sample, with the average satisfaction score across all clients being three out of four.

The survey results indicate high levels of strong agreement or agreement to questions that link to the intermediate service delivery outcomes for clients, being that they felt:

  • they had their matter properly heard and adjudicated
  • confident in their legal representation
  • they know how to get help in the future

Making a difference to clients – read more here.

Client Stories

The stories of Aleasha, Lila, Sally, Nigel, Claire, Eli, Ahmed, Amy and Susan profile community legal centre’s representation work and provide a powerful insight into the impact of the work of Community Legal Centres.  There are hundreds of stories just like these. (All names have been changed to protect the identity of the clients.)

Client Stories – read more here.

Impact on community

Working with the community is a critical to the impact of Community Legal Centres.  Engagement with community partners and the broader community increases access to legal information and education and ensures there is a more joined up response to meeting legal needs.

Impact on community – read more here.

Impact on the justice system and laws

Community Legal Centres contribute to effective policy and laws to create positive change in the community. They engage and collaborate with organisations in the justice system to make them more effective, efficient and fair. Justice system partners are courts and tribunals, government (elected, departmental, statutory agencies and government services) and other legal assistance services.

Impact on the justice system and laws – read more here.

Supporting the Community Legal Centre Sector

Community Legal Centres Queensland is the peak body representing the 32 independent, community-led community legal centres operating across Queensland, including rural and remote areas.

Established in 1993, our mission is to work with our centres towards a fair and just Queensland. We work with Queensland community legal centres to:

  • continually improve organisational sustainability and service quality
  • increase the accessibility, profile, and resourcing of the sector
  • to unite around common objectives to bring about change

Supporting Community Legal Centres – read more here.