Voice 2023: Supporting your Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employees, colleagues and friends through the Referendum

September 5, 2023, 12pm-1pm (Qld time)
Hosted by: Community Legal Centres Queensland

As the nation gets closer to the referendum for 2023, it is critical that First Nations peoples’ safety is prioritised and their holistic safety inside and outside of the workplace is at the top of our agendas. In this special webinar, attendees will hear from our expert panel including:

1. Trent Wallace, First Nations Lead, Pro Bono and Social Impact, Ashurst
2. Damon King, Special Counsel, Workplace & Employment, HopgoodGanim Lawyers
3. Jacob Currie, Law Graduate, Pro Bono, HopgoodGanim Lawyers
4. Jo Sampford, Principal Solicitor, LGBTI Legal Service

Our panel will educate employees and employers on what is legal and what is illegal in the workplace in the context of racial discriminations; discuss the parallels (and differences) between the 2017 Marriage Equality postal plebiscite and this year’s Voice referendum; and offer guidance on looking out for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander colleagues, friends and family. The panel will discuss available avenues to protect First Nations employees exposed to bullying and harassment both in the public domain and in the workplace.