LGTBQIA+ Inclusion Training Program: Introduction to sexuality and gender

February 27, 2024, 10am-11:30am (Qld time)
Hosted by: Community Legal Centres Queensland

LGTBQIA+ Inclusion Training Program for Queensland community legal centres:

CLCQ are pleased to team up with Minus 18 to deliver a mini-program of two free 90 minute webinars to assist your community legal centre to create a safe and inclusive work environment for LGTBQIA+ staff, volunteers and clients. Workplaces have higher employee engagement and productivity when LGTBQIA+ people feel welcome and supported!

Whether it’s to inspire your team with the basics, refresh previous learnings, or deep dive into new ones – the knowledgeable trainers from Minus 18 are here to guide you to create LGTBQIA+ inclusion that makes your workplace better for everyone. Minus 18 engage with a light-hearted and interactive approach, with all content backed by up the latest research and best practice.

Following attendance at these sessions, participants will receive a professional development certificate from Minus 18 and your team will also receive an LGTBQIA+ Inclusion Action Kit to support ongoing change.

Session 1: Introduction to Sexuality & Gender

In the first session of our LGTBQIA+ Inclusion Training Program, Minus 18 will introduce participants to LGTBQIA+ identity, the barriers faced in everyday life, and empower your team with the tools to become inclusive leaders. You will leave the session understanding:

  • The tools to build safe and inclusive experiences for colleagues and clients
  • Key concepts and definitions of sex, gender and sexuality
  • Evidence based barriers LGBTQIA+ people face at work and accessing services
  • Practical tools to support LGBTQIA+ people interpersonally and professionally
  • LGBTQIA+ lived-experiences via our expert workshop presenters as they talk about their personal journeys being LGTBQIA+.

These webinars were streamed live to workers and volunteers of Queensland community legal centres, but the presenters requested that recordings were not made. If your workplace wishes to host Minus18 for training on LGTBQIA+ inclusion, please visit the Minus18 training webpage to book your training now!