TASC National helped Carl understand the legal processes

Elderly Gentleman

Carl* contacted TASC National’s Disability Advocacy Program to seek assistance with an upcoming Mental Health Review Tribunal.

The Advocate conducted the self-report process with Carl. This included exploration of personal feelings relating to the current involuntary treatment order, a discussion around the management of life stressors, and clarification of the outcome sought from the Tribunal Hearing.Carl sought revocation of the involuntary treatment order.

The Advocate contacted Carl’s Mental Health Caseworker to discuss and review the supports and services in place and attended the Tribunal hearing with Carl. The Advocate ensured that Carl’s concerns about the accuracy of the clinical report were articulated. The Advocate also spoke to the Tribunal about Carl’s future plans for his own business and travel, and Carl’s preference for a voluntary treatment order.

The Tribunal made the decision to keep the involuntary treatment order in place. Though Carl did not get the outcome he desired, he expressed that the involvement of his Advocate resulted in his concerns being better heard and considered by the Tribunal.

The Advocate was also able to enhance Carl’s understanding of the clinical report and the treating team’s ability to revoke the involuntary treatment order.Following the hearing, Carl was informed of his right to appeal the decision and provided with information about this process.

(*not their real name)