On Demand Webinars

Community Legal Centres Queensland runs a series of online training webinars, available to community legal centre staff, volunteers and other community services.

CPD Note: Under the Queensland Law Society’s CPD Rules, if this particular educational activity is relevant to your immediate or long term needs in relation to your professional development and the practice of the law, then you should claim one CPD unit for each hour of attendance. For Queensland practitioners, the annual requirement is ten CPD units each year from 1 April to 31 March. For interstate practitioners, please consult the equivalent rules in your state.

Legal Aid Queensland webinars – Legal Aid Queensland publishes a series of captioned recordings about Legal Aid Queensland services on their YouTube Channel here. For information on upcoming Legal Aid Queensland webinars, please check the Information for community workers and carers page.

Subscribe to the CLCQ Webinar mailing list

This webinar series is part of CLCQ’s Mental Health and Wellbeing CPD Program, developed during 2021-2022 to assist frontline CLC workers to manage the impacts of COVID-19, and generously supported by a grant from the Queensland Community Foundation. We encourage you to view and share these recordings with your colleagues and to use the learnings to help support your own wellbeing, and that of your team – in the ‘new normal’.

Logo of the Queensland Community Foundation.

Supporting your employees (and yourself) with LifeWorks employee assistance program for CLCs presented by Lifeworks Account Manager, Jacinta Solomon. (August 25, 2021)

Rising from the ashes: Breaking the burnout cycle for greater satisfaction, vitality and meaning at work presented by Dr Mendy Neralic.  (September 16, 2021)

Wellbeing in the workplace presented by Indigenous Mental Health First Aid Master Trainer Mark Watego.  (No recording as this was presented as an interactive live session).

Emotional Intelligence at Work – Self-regulation tips and strengths-based tools presented by Jan Ungerer, Director of Insightful Communications. (November 24, 2021)

Managing psychosocial hazards in community legal centres presented by Andrew Wydmanski (Senior Associate) and Muirgen O’Seighin (Associate) from Allens.  (February 24, 2022)

Sustainable Leadership in CLCs presented by Joan Wilson-Jones from JwJ Consulting Brisbane.   (July 18, 2022)

Reimagining work – transforming work culture through everyday leadership presented by Dr Mendy Neralic.  (July 28, 2022)

The recent weather events in South East Queensland has seen thousands of people have their homes and cars damaged by storms, rain and flooding. This has led to many additional people contacting community legal centres for legal help.

Community Legal Centres Queensland have developed a series of re-fresher webinars on key legal areas that will arise with clients over this event.

Navigating neighbourhood disputes and damage to property from floods presented by Aaron Alcock (Special Counsel, Litigation and Dispute Resolution) and Tom Buckley (Special Counsel, Planning and Environment) from HopgoodGanim Lawyers.

Disaster Legal Assistance – What to expect in response and recovery phases presented by Bill Mitchell, Principal Solicitor at Townsville Community Law.

Assisting flood affected consumers with insurance claims presented by Paul Holmes, Principal Lawyer Civil Justice Services at Legal Aid Queensland and Bridget Burton, Director of the Human Rights and Civil Law Practice at Caxton Legal Centre.

The impact of flooding on tenancy arrangements – Hints and tips for helping tenants navigate the aftermath presented by Justin Raiteri, Senior Associate in the Commercial Property Team at HopgoodGanim Lawyers.

An employee’s workplace rights when the water rises presented by Edmund Burke (Partner) and Aiyana O’Meara (Lawyer) from Holding Redlich.

Body corporate disputes arising from flood damage  presented by Anthony Pitt (Special Counsel, Litigation and Dispute Resolution) and Hayley Harvey (Senior Associate, Litigation and Dispute Resolution) from HopgoodGanim Lawyers

Floods and Insurance: How to navigate insurance claims presented by Anne Hoffmann, Senior Associate in the insurance disputes team at Herbert Smith Freehills. 


The Financial Protections Service is provided to middle-aged Queenslanders who are approaching retirement and undertaking financial decision making for later life.

The service facilitates access to and uptake of free and independent financial information and advice with a particular focus on improving financial resilience. Service partners will also undertake screening and referral for financial abuse.

There are ten participating Seniors Legal and Support Service (SLASS) and Elder Abuse Prevention and Support Service (EAPSS) organisations across Queensland who deliver the Financial Protections Service. SLASS and EAPSS are experts in providing legal, social work, financial counselling and mediation services to older Queenslanders. Links to these organisations can be found at the bottom of this page.

The Financial Protections Service has partnered with the National Seniors Financial Information Desk, an independent financial information service funded by National Seniors that aims to improve retirement information available to older Australians. The service was developed in consultation with the Financial Counsellors’ Association of Queensland.

The Financial Protections Service was co-designed by Caxton Legal Centre and the Townsville Community Legal Service and is funded by the Department of Communities, Disability Services and Seniors. The service guides, practice manual and training webinars were co-authored and developed by Bill Mitchell (Principal Solicitor, Townsville Community Law) and Melody Valentine (Solicitor, Caxton Legal Centre).

Community Legal Centres Queensland wants to ensure that community legal centre (CLC) workers and others accessing this website feel safe, and are able to access appropriate and timely help and support.

CLCs provide important support and assistance to people who have experienced violence and trauma, and CLC workers and volunteers necessarily undertake training and reading in these areas as part of their professional development requirements.

As such, some of the training materials and webinars on this website may be disturbing, upsetting or trigger strong/negative emotions for victims and survivors of violence and trauma, and others.

Even if you have not directly experienced trauma, it is important to be aware of the effects that working with clients who have experienced trauma can have on your own emotional and mental wellbeing (this is known as vicarious trauma).

Community Legal Centres Queensland respects your autonomy. If you feel triggered or upset by any of the content or materials provided here, we would encourage you to use your discretion as to whether you should continue reading, watching or listening to the material.

You may also wish to access more information and resources, as well as professional support or advice from one of the free and confidential organisations listed below.


Data Governance: Why is data retention and deletion fundamental for CLCs?

Webinar Date: June 18, 2024

Data Governance: Why is data retention and deletion fundamental for CLCs? Read More »

In this webinar, Alec Christie, Partner at Clyde and Co, will break down the key aspects of data management for community legal centres (CLCs).This session will discuss data retention and deletion obligations under the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and how these regulations affect your data practices; provide strategies to navigate […]

Data Governance: Why is data retention and deletion fundamental for CLCs? Read More »

Embedding a culture of human rights: Where to from here?

Embedding a culture of human rights: Where to from here?

Webinar Date: April 30, 2024

Embedding a culture of human rights: Where to from here? Read More »

The Queensland Government recently announced the independent review of the Human Rights Act 2019 (Qld). The terms of reference include the extent to which implementation of the Act has helped to build a culture of human rights in the Queensland public sector, and the effectiveness,

Embedding a culture of human rights: Where to from here? Read More »

“Connect” with the new right to disconnect

Webinar Date: April 18, 2024

“Connect” with the new right to disconnect Read More »

In this webinar, Jacinda Gray and Nancy Katakis, Lawyers of Corrs Chambers Westgarth, will provide an overview of the new Right to Disconnect, the latest of the raft of recent Fair Work legislative reforms, and what this means practically for employers and employees alike. The

“Connect” with the new right to disconnect Read More »

Credit law: Assisting clients experiencing mortgage stress amidst rising interest rates

Webinar Date: April 04, 2024

Credit law: Assisting clients experiencing mortgage stress amidst rising interest rates Read More »

Over a decade of soaring property growth, generous tax incentives for property investors and record low interest rates has resulted in Australian households being among the most indebted in the world. In this webinar, Josh Mennen, Principal Lawyer & National Litigation Leader at Maurice Blackburn,

Credit law: Assisting clients experiencing mortgage stress amidst rising interest rates Read More »

Legal Practice Ethics: Destruction of client documents – s 713A LPA

Webinar Date: March 27, 2024

Legal Practice Ethics: Destruction of client documents – s 713A LPA Read More »

A new section 713A of the Legal Profession Act 2007 (Qld) came into force on 1 February 2024, following the passing of the Justice and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2023 (Qld) on 13 September 2023. Section 713A prescribes the circumstances in which a law practice

Legal Practice Ethics: Destruction of client documents – s 713A LPA Read More »

Storm clouds over house

Domestic Violence, Gender and Disasters: Evidence and Issues

Webinar Date: March 26, 2024

Domestic Violence, Gender and Disasters: Evidence and Issues Read More »

Domestic and family violence is often referred to as a hidden disaster that continues to affect communities long after the fire front has passed, or floodwaters have receded. There is increasing evidence about the prevalence of gender-based violence in post-disaster contexts. In this webinar, trainers

Domestic Violence, Gender and Disasters: Evidence and Issues Read More »

LGTBQIA+ Inclusion Training Program: Supporting trans and gender diversity

Webinar Date: March 13, 2024

LGTBQIA+ Inclusion Training Program: Supporting trans and gender diversity Read More »

LGTBQIA+ Inclusion Training Program for Queensland community legal centres: CLCQ are pleased to team up with Minus 18 to deliver a mini-program of two free 90 minute webinars to assist your community legal centre to create a safe and inclusive work environment for LGTBQIA+ staff, volunteers

LGTBQIA+ Inclusion Training Program: Supporting trans and gender diversity Read More »