
Managing employment contracts when program funding is coming to an end

Managing employment contracts where program funding is coming to an end

Webinar Date: May 02, 2023

Managing employment contracts where program funding is coming to an end Read More »

Working within the constraints of government funding presents unique challenges for managers. While employees on fixed term contracts may be aware that their term is coming to an end, and that further employment is not guaranteed, it is never easy delivering the news to an […]

Managing employment contracts where program funding is coming to an end Read More »

Clipboard with NDIS paperwork on it.

Helping People with Disability Respond to NDIS Funding Decisions

Webinar Date: March 16, 2023

Helping People with Disability Respond to NDIS Funding Decisions Read More »

Participants of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) represent a new cohort of clients for Community Legal Centre lawyers: people with disability who have a legally enforceable right to funded supports. This webinar will outline the relevant law and rules, common issues, and what practitioners

Helping People with Disability Respond to NDIS Funding Decisions Read More »

YFS First Nations CLE Toolkit

First Nations CLE toolkit: engaging with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to create meaningful access to justice

Webinar Date: November 29, 2022

First Nations CLE toolkit: engaging with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to create meaningful access to justice Read More »

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people often face barriers in accessing legal support. It is important that legal resources and services are culturally appropriate, and that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are consulted and have the opportunity to advise on areas of legal need that

First Nations CLE toolkit: engaging with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to create meaningful access to justice Read More »

Motor vehicle accident

A ‘crash’ course in motor vehicle accidents: Legal and insurance avenues explained

Webinar Date: November 22, 2022

A ‘crash’ course in motor vehicle accidents: Legal and insurance avenues explained Read More »

According to a survey by Budget Direct, 64% of adult Australians have been involved in at least one car accident, and the latest data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics found there were 20.1 million registered motor vehicles in Australia. No matter how minor or

A ‘crash’ course in motor vehicle accidents: Legal and insurance avenues explained Read More »

Anti discrimination act review

Building Belonging Report – Outcomes of the Review of Queensland’s Anti-Discrimination Act

Webinar Date: November 15, 2022

Building Belonging Report – Outcomes of the Review of Queensland’s Anti-Discrimination Act Read More »

In 1991, the introduction of the Anti-Discrimination Act offered the promise of equal and effective treatment against discrimination to a range of historically disadvantaged groups. Thirty years on, the Queensland Attorney-General has tabled Building Belonging: Review of Queensland’s Anti-Discrimination Act 1991 in the Queensland Parliament.

Building Belonging Report – Outcomes of the Review of Queensland’s Anti-Discrimination Act Read More »

Sisters inside

Government Supervision of Funding Agreements and the Sisters Inside Case

Webinar Date: October 20, 2022

Government Supervision of Funding Agreements and the Sisters Inside Case Read More »

Services provided by non-government organisations but funded by government are often provided on condition that the use of funding and performance of the services can be audited or reviewed. The organisations that provide these services are often also subject to other statutory or regulatory requirements,

Government Supervision of Funding Agreements and the Sisters Inside Case Read More »

Queensland Ombudsman

The Queensland Ombudsman: An introduction to our services and investigations

Webinar Date: October 11, 2022

The Queensland Ombudsman: An introduction to our services and investigations Read More »

The Queensland Ombudsman gives people a timely, effective and independent way to have administrative actions of agencies investigated. The Ombudsman’s complaints investigation service is free and independent. The Ombudsman investigates complaints about the actions and decisions of state government departments and agencies, local councils and

The Queensland Ombudsman: An introduction to our services and investigations Read More »

Mandatory reporting

PII session: Community legal centres and section 229BC mandatory reporting

Webinar Date: August 09, 2022

PII session: Community legal centres and section 229BC mandatory reporting Read More »

The new offences in section 229BB and 229BC of the Criminal Code Act 1899 (Qld) (the Criminal Code) commenced on 5 July 2021. Under section 229BC of the Criminal Code, an offence is created for any adult who fails to disclose information that causes the

PII session: Community legal centres and section 229BC mandatory reporting Read More »